Email: Tel: 07881 520626

Write to: RUGBY AGAINST THE CUTS - PO Box 4123, Rugby, CV21 9BJ.

CONVENOR and PRESS OFFICER – Pete McLaren.TREASURER – Julie Weekes TRADE UNION LIAISON –Martin Eversfield and Roy Sandison

Friday, 21 January 2011


Matt Wrack (General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union - FBU ) was in Rugby this week on a country wide tour to talk to fire fighters about the threats from the CONDEM cuts to local councils like Warwickshire that will result unless defeated in massive cuts in this essential life saving service and the loss of 7000 jobs.
Matt gave a stirring speach about on how to fight the cuts and reflected on cuts to fire stations that are planned to take place this year in Warwickshire including Brinklow near Rugby.
*As part of the move for Trade Unions to join forces with community groups - members of the Rugby Against The Cuts campaign were also invited to hear Matt Wrack speak.

Rugby Advertiser - 20 January 2011


Rugby Against The cuts have helped blow the whistle this week over impending cuts (450 workers including doctors and nurses and also bed closures) at local hospitals and NHS services including St Cross in Rugby  - this before the widely condemned move by health professionals of the ideological led threat to the NHS in the misnamed 'reforms' announced by the CONDEM Government this week that will lead to private companies able to come in and cherry pick NHS services for profit.

Rugby Advertiser - 20th January 2010

MARK PAWSEY MP UNDER WATCH - Perhaps the current Tory MP for Rugby  - Mark Pawsey would be best to remember that the last Tory attack on services at ST Cross resulted in his dad - Jim Pawsey losing his seat!

*Below full Press Release which was also covered in the Warwickshire Evening Telegraph and on Rugby FM
PO Box 4123 Rugby CV21 9BJ
Convenor and Press Officer: Pete McLaren  07881 520626
Treasurer: Julie Weekes           Trade Union Liaison: Roy Sandison; Martin Eversfield

PRESS RELEASE                           For immediate use January 17th 2011


Rugby Against the Cuts discussed the leaked cuts proposed to NHS Services in Coventry and Warwickshire at its meeting last week.  There was considerable anger at the proposals.  “The Tories said that public spending cuts would not hit front line NHS services, but we now know otherwise,” spokesperson Pete McLaren said yesterday.  “From the reports we have, some of which have been in the local media, more than 450 frontline staff, including doctors and nurses, will be axed in Coventry and Warwickshire.  Hundreds of support and admin staff will also lose their jobs.  These cuts will have devastating effects on staff and patients. Our local hospitals will not be the same, and what you lose is very difficult to retrieve later on”

The group’s Trade Union Liaison Officer Roy Sandison was concerned at the effect these job losses would have on health workers.  “The Con-Dem Government said it would protect front line services.  Sacking nurses and doctors will not do that, and patients – which is all of us – will clearly suffer.  We do not know the details yet, but we are very concerned about the local impact in Rugby and Warwickshire. How, for example, will Rugby’s St Cross hospital be affected?” he asked

Spokesperson Pete McLaren added, “There do not need to be any cuts to public spending – in the NHS or anywhere else in the public sector.  As we have been saying for some time, cuts are not inevitable.  The country has a debt problem, but that could be resolved by a 5% wealth tax on the richest 10%; reclaiming the £120 billion per year in unpaid taxes that the rich avoid paying legally or illegally; or nationalizing the banks and financial institutions and then using their vast profits to improve our public services.  It is a matter of political choice – and the Tories, with their Lib Dem friends, have decided to make us all suffer rather than hit those who caused the crisis in the first place – the bankers and their friends,” he concluded.

  • Rugby Against the Cuts was set up by local trade unionists and political activists on September 22ndOfficers were elected as above
  • Rugby Against the Cuts meets on the second Thursday of every month, 7.30pm, at the Three Horse Shoes, Rugby
  • Rugby Against the Cuts can be contacted on 07881 520626, at, or through our web site at   

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


By Billy Hayes, General Secretary of the CWU

Billy Hayes
On the 9th December student demonstration I found myself kettled alongside large numbers of students and school students. It was, and wasn’t accidental. I had been in the Red Lion CafĂ© in Whitehall, preparing for another meeting with Coalition MPs as part of the CWU’s campaign against the privatisation of Royal Mail.
It was accidental, in so far as I was engaged in other political activity. But it wasn’t accidental that I got caught up with the students – because, in one way or another, a large part of the country also got caught up in supporting your inspiring struggle.
In those few hours we all accumulated some anecdotes. Mine were to challenge the BBC reporter who claimed people were being led out for toilet breaks. The other was to start a chant, “let us out,” which people joined in with.
But the alliance between the students and the trade union movement is not really accidental.
Following the most severe recession since the 1930s, those with money and power are determined to make those with neither bear the burden of the recovery.
The trebling of fees, and the abolition of the EMA are part of this – students and young people are expected to pay for others failures. At the same time, workers in both the public and private sector are facing unemployment, wage cuts, pension cuts and attacks on working conditions.
Suddenly we are allies in misfortune. Some of us – but most certainly not all of us – are in this together. The question is are we going to take it, or are we going to fight for our rights? Clearly students and school students are answering that one.
The trade unions are beginning to organise. Slowly, but definitely, we can see the organisations of 7 million workers preparing themselves for fights. The March 26th TUC demonstration is important in this. As are the many local and sectoral campaigns which the unions are starting.
Because of the severity of the attack, we can expect some defeats. But make no mistake, there is going to be a serious fight back.
So let us support each other in our struggle. Certainly trade unions should support the protests to defend the EMA on January 19th, and the demonstration in London on January 29th called by some of the most effective student organisations.
But neither trade unionists, nor students should forget the impact the cuts are having on the most vulnerable and least organised sections of society. The unemployed, people with special needs and disabilities, and benefit claimants have all been singled out for heart breaking cuts in services and living standards. We must make the case for supporting those least able to defend themselves.
I share the willingness of Len McCluskey, General Secretary of UNITE, to actively seek out connections between students and the trade unions. In alliance we can render some real set backs to the Coalition’s policies.
Trade unions are changing, just as the workforce is. Although far too few young workers and students are members, nevertheless the Unions are very effective organisations for defending living standards. Young people need to join and make them more effective.
In recent years, there has been a radicalisation in the unions. Nowadays the fight against racism and fascism is a normal part of the union’s agenda, inside and outside the workplace. The struggle of women has led to a position where the majority of trade union members are women – despite continuing problems of under representation in the leadership of unions. Most unions have comprehensive equalities policies, including a commitment to support lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender people. The unions have also played an important part in the anti-war movement, the solidarity movement for the Palestinian people, and the promotion of a more equal and peaceful world. Environmental issues have a wide hearing these days inside unions.
I know that many students have to work part time to maintain their education courses. I am proud to say that we have students in CWU membership who work part time in Royal Mail sorting offices.
Recognising this common interest, let’s make sure we turn it into effective action in solidarity with each others struggles.

Monday, 10 January 2011

GMB Notified Of 102,289 Jobs Under Threat At 131 Councils As Council Workers Face Bleak 2011

Warwickshire County Council is consulting on a series of cuts that would see the jobs of around 1,855 direct employees’ jobs disappear as well as 450 from Warwickshire Police Authority. Excluding fire staff and teachers the council employs 15,000 staff and these cuts amount to 12.5 percent of these staff. The job losses are scheduled over the next three years.
Amongst many others, the council’s package of job losses and cuts include:
Reductions in residential care for the elderly, people with physical disabilities and people with learning disabilities; 
Reducing day services for the elderly and people with learning disabilities; 
Loss of 20% of jobs in Adult Social Care; 
Loss of the whole of the Youth Service and the Positive About Young People partnership; 
Reductions in services to schools and families and passing the cost of existing services on to schools; 
Removal of community transport and subsidised evening bus services; 
Reductions in the enforcement work of Trading Standards and the support that is given to vulnerable customers; 
Reductions in the funding for Children’s Centres, Early Years services and Connexions; 
Stopping the payment of nursery and childminding fees and reducing the funding for the education of looked after children; 
Further closures of libraries; 
Reductions in the maintenance of the county’s highways; 
30% reduction in the budget for heritage and cultural services